The Property Owners' Estate Planning and Living Trust Lawyer Kenneth Ziskin - Income Tax, Capital Gain and Property Tax Planning - Probate and Trust Administration
California residents can call to discuss Estate Planning ,Living Trusts, Probate or Trust Administration - 9 AM to 6 PM, Pacific Time. 818-988-0949.

For decades, Property Owners' Estate Planning and Living Trust Lawyer Kenneth Ziskin has been the "Family Wealth Strategist"(sm). CLICK HERE FOR KEN'S BIO, and CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT KEN'S CLIENTS SAY ABOUT HIS SERVICES (they were nice enough to make me blush).
Ken works with individuals and families to design and implement both Living Trusts and advanced estate planning strategies. He helps clients understand and put in place strategies to pass family wealth and his clients' deeply held values to their desired beneficiaries. Ken focuses always on the integration of his clients' essential non-tax desires for their heirs with estate tax planning, income tax planning and appropriate asset protection planning to facilitate preservation and passing of wealth to benefit future generations.
Ken also assists clients to administer their trusts (and estates in probate) after the death of a loved one, whether or not he did the planning for the loved one. Administration after a death always requires some legal work and assistance. In most probate and trust administration matters, he provides the judgment, advice and supervision to make the process work and help clients make require decisions on administrative issues, while using a very experienced paralegal to handle routine tasks. Ken has designed this process in order to produce the most optimized combination of sound advice while reducing the cost of administration for his clients. For more info on post-death admin, click
Ken has recently developed an ACCELERATED STEP-UP STRATEGYSM to allow clients to get a step-up in income tax basis without dying. This can save clients, in the right situation, millions in income taxes!
Ken's Estate Planning and Living Trust strategies have saved his clients millions of dollars of taxes. While typical savings range from a few hundred thousand to a few million dollars, in one case alone, his strategy saved nearly $200,000,000 in taxes for the beneficiaries of a deceased parent! Ken also offers caring, personalized probate and trust administration services for those who have lost a loved one. Of course, every case is different, and your savings will depend upon your unique facts and the law in effect at that time.
In light of the current crisis, even though we have been fully vaccinated, we have arranged for "socially distant planning." We will work with you (and members of your family if you want) to plan, draft and sign documents remotely, using email, phone and video conferencing. Initial living trust consults are available at no cost.
And, while we regret all of the suffering this crisis has caused, the combination of low interest rates and depressed asset values makes this the best time in decades to do advanced death tax protection planning. If your estate is likely to grow to more than $8 million ($16 million for a couple), you owe it to your family to explore planning opportunities NOW, before the current Congress and President adopt proposed restrictions on your ability to transfer property to your heirs without confiscatory gift and estate taxes!
40+ years
My Team
To provide the most personalized service, my team consists of only myself as an Estate Planning Lawyer and Living Trust Lawyer, and my wife, Hinda to provide a woman's, non-lawyer, perspective. I provide the legal expertise, and Hinda brings the perspective of a woman, mother and grandmother to the planning process.
While I do all the drafting personally as your Living Trust Lawyer, I also work with your other advisors (subject to your approva)l, and coordinate the advice of other experts where appropriate.
My Services
I devote most of my time to helping clients decide how they want to hold and pass assets to achieve their vital non-tax goals while preserving their assets from creditors, predators and taxes.
As an Estate Planning Lawyer and Living Trust Lawyer I then draft highly customized trust instruments and other documents to implement my client's goals. These include Living Trusts and many forms of gift trusts.
Most of my Living Trust Lawyer engagements are handled on a fixed fee basis determined after an initial consultation with my clients.
I act as Family Wealth Strategies (sm) Estate Planning Lawyer and Living Trust Lawyer for clients throughout California. Geographically, I focus on Estate Planning and Living Trusts for clients in Sherman Oaks, Encino, Studio City, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Burbank, Canoga Park, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Westwood, Bel Air, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, West Hollywood and West Los Angeles. I also serve clients in Torrance, Long Beach, South Bay, Marina del Rey, Orange County, Ventura County, San Mateo County, San Jose, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, Oakland, San Franciso and related areas.
The "Fine Print"

The material on this website is intended to generally summarize what I do as an Estate Planning Lawyer and Living Trust Lawyer, to give some general information about strategies that clients can use to achieve their goals. Proper use of any of the strategies an Estate Plannning and Living Trust Lawyer may recommend requires specific legal advice which considers the respective client's specific situation. Nothing on this site is intended to provide legal advice, and potential clients should not rely on anything set forth on this website as legal advice. You may not rely on any material set forth herein as legal advice or a recommendation for you. Legal advice is only provided to clients who retain The Ziskin Law Corp., and only under the the terms of the applicable engagement letter.
Consistent with requirements formerly imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, please be advised that, if any advice concerning one or more United States Federal, state or local tax issues is contained in this website or any page thereof, such advice was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or tax-related matter addressed herein.
Contact Me
Kenneth A. Ziskin
The Ziskin Law Corp.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Areas of Practice
Estate Planning
Advanced Estate Tax Strategies
Living Trusts
Trust Administration
Charitable Giving
Retirement Planning
Estate and Gift Tax Law​
Asset Protection​
Business Formations and Business Succession Planning
Estate Planning for Income Tax Savings on Real Estate and other Assets​
Family General Counsel