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The spreadsheet on this page is just a sample of the Estate Tax X(posure)-RAY that we can do to help a client, single or married, project estate taxes through life expectancy using assumptions the client provides or assumptions I usually think are realistic. 
While I believe the spreadsheet produces a materially meaningful projection, it includes a few shortcuts so it cannot be precise.  Of course, over time, you cannot expect actual results to match any projection exactly. 
X-Ray 1-2-20.tiff

© 2020 by Kenneth A. Ziskin   "Family Wealth Strategies", "Family Wealth Strategies" and "Beyond the Living Trust" are service marks of Esatate Planning Lawyer Kenneth A. Ziskin.  All rights reserved.


Call Estate Planning and Tax Attorney Ken Ziskin at 818-988-0949 to arrange a consultation about estate planning to meet your goals for your wealth, save estate taxes and, in the right case, save income taxes

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